Chinese Whispers | 中国呓语
更新时间:2017-11-02ENJOY·趣办 x BTB
Have you ever wondered what life in China was like a couple of decades ago?
For those who lived in this different time, how was happiness, sorrow, love and even strife perceived?
“My father studied in Germany when he was younger and was eventually forced to divorce his German wife when the Nazis took over.
When I was growing up, I wasn’t allowed to cry in public. I had to go to a special room - simply to cry. And it was...”
趣办携手Beyond the Bund团队,共同呈现这个独特的口述历史/剧场项目。
历经几个月制作,11月底和12月初将带来故事的第一章“Stories Before Me”。
ENJOY is working with Beyond the Bund presenting this Story Telling/Theatre.
After months of work, we are excited to present the first chapter: "Stories Before Me";
shows will start in late November and early December.
Our Dancers - Maria & Nadia
Our best kept hidden secret – a dance duo from Russia.
Our performers are Maria and Nadia, Russian twins who have been exploring the local arts landscape since 2007.
They are known for their impressive synchronicity and storytelling through dance.
After spending many afternoons at Diana’s living room listening and bonding,
the twins have developed a strong connection with the elder, one which surpasses age, language, and origin.